After Carolina cut down the nets Monday in Detroit, Groot said he wished he could celebrate on Franklin Street.
Unfortunately, Groot has a busy week getting ready for a weekend date with Johns Hopkins. But thanks to The Daily Tar Heel, he can watch the rumpus from the comfort of home.
Almost as fun, and no fear of rubber bullets. Phew.
But the real reason I point this out is that The Daily Tar Heel seized a unique opportunity with this video. It's exactly the type of content that thrives on the web.
In the olden days, you could read a story about the celebration on Franklin Street, sure. Here we get to see it with our own eyes.
It's a really cool thing. It's the future. And it's comforting to see that at least these college kids get it.
I heard the Tar Heels get to watch pornos at school-financed student events.